UK Food Reviews

Six Chickens


The UK has all these different special tone definitions for pudding and things that sound really bad and tastes really good. Haggis, black pudding, yorkshire pudding and english bacon. Then they have got different drinks and types of  restaurants, such as Irn Bru, pubs, ribena and just chains that they don’t have in the US so the UK is a great place to review. 

Haggis Pie

First Haggis. Haggis consists of sheep lung a ton of cow organs (I think), and some other stuff. It was made illegal in america in 1971 due to bacteria that might get in the sheep lung while slaturing. Luckily I read this before eating the haggis because If I had known that, the chances of me eating it would be pretty low well it is delicious I would give it a rating of 6 chickens. It tastes like meatloaf simply the meatloaf that my mom made when she was regularly cooking it even has little onion chunks like my mom’s meatloaf and is delicious with ketchup of course like my mom’s meatloaf. 

Next Black Pudding one of the many definitions for pudding in the UK to be honest I didn’t really like it I would give it 2 chickens the texture was pretty bad and the skin had a very bitter after taste. Black Pudding is supposed to be as sausage well it doesn’t look, smell or taste like one. (I still don’t know why its called Puding Especially if it is a sausage.)

Next in the category of things that kids would like but this one is special Irn Bru from its name you can probably tell it’s from scotland and it is and as far as I’m concerned it is only made and sold in scotland. The name on the can was originally Iron Brew, but since it is Scotish the later on changed it to Irn Bru. It is a soda, the most fizzy soda I have ever had and it is orange vanilla flavored it is my favorite soda and ask my dad it’s not just because it’s sweet.

Next Nando’s chicken we wouldn’t have gone to this delicious 6 chickens resturant if it weren’t for my amazing aunt Cathy who recommended it to me and so we went. We went to it in Lincoln the home of our british nanny if you read that article by my mom. It was our last day there and there was a nandos so we decided we had to go. It was delicious and I had a roast chicken and corn on the cob and If I lived in england I would go once a week it is a chain so I would recommend it to you if you are ever in England.

The UK food is very interesting and different than the foods we had at home it is very good and as people from countries not in the UK say it is weird but good. Next is Switzerland, France food reviews.

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