Swiss Food Reviews

It has been a long time since I have done a food review. This one is a bit late; I am in Paris and this food review is about Switzerland. I am excited to explore the three major cuisines of Switzerland: German, Italian, and French. They speak those three languages in Switzerland because they are surrounded by those three countries.

I did not write a review about this restaurant but I did take this picture. My mom told me to put it in.

Our first day was in Lausanne and right near our apartment there was a small bakery chain called Pouly which is the French cuisine. They had these buns called cuchaules. They are the traditional bread of Fribourg, a city nearby Lausanne. They look like brioche buns but they are saffron buns.  They are slightly sweet but not super sweet. The skin had a very good texture, and the inside is a beautiful saffron yellow. It is the best bread I have ever had and I recommend it. Next I’m going to tell you about a very sweet and non classic pastry, a chocolate croissant. But not just any chocolate croissant, a chocolate croissant with sprinkles. I tend to not like chocolate croissants because they don’t have a good crunch but the sprinkles give it a nice texture. That is all sprinkles are to me on cakes, cupcakes, candy, and ice cream, just the texture and sometimes a nice color. Next, there is the Swiss specialty, the carac. I did not personally have one but my mom did. The reason we were so excited about it was the appearance. It was shaped like a Swiss army knife and had the logo on a little candy at the top. My mom forgets what it tasted like but the look is just amazing.

Carac compared to The Family Knives

Then there was Hotel Mannlichen, part of the German cuisine. It was on my birthday during our backpacking trip that we went to this restaurant on top of a mountain. I had one of my favorite foods, rump steak, medium rare. This one was exceptionally good. It was cooked for just the right amount of time to give it a nice pink in the middle. It is probably the best steak I have ever had. For dessert I had an ice cream sundae, clearly made from Alpine cows that sit right next to you on your hike. 

Steak, I Love Steak!
Schnitzel with Noodle

Now let me tell you about Tango Cafe which was part of my favorite cuisine, Italian. Tango Cafe was in a nice square in Lugano. Even though it is Italian food it still is Swiss because we got it in the Italian speaking Switzerland. I would give it 6 chickens. It was very good. I got a penne Bolognese. The penne itself was very good but the sauce was what made my day. It was sweet, sour, and, most importantly, it had a ton of beef. It was my first time having real Italian food. I like Italian food a lot and so trying the real stuff for the first time was fun and I still like it.   

Lastly, and very delicious, Gasthaus Brünig Kulm. It was the hotel that we stayed at in Meiringen and also part of the German cuisine. We ate at our hotel restaurant because it was on the outskirts of Meiringen so there wasn’t much around. I would give it a rating of 5 1/2  chickens. The first night I had spaghetti Bolognese. I did not like it that much. The sauce had too much of the basil flavor and not enough meat. That is what takes away ½ a chicken. The reason I only took away on 1/2 a chicken was breakfast and my second dinner. Breakfast was joghurt, buttery croissant, and baguettes with Nutella, a specialty of the Alps. Then, for dinner that night, I had meatloaf with mashed potatoes, green beans, and steamed carrots. The meatloaf was amazing and a perfect combination of the bread and meat. The carrots and green beans had the perfect amount of butter. That is Gasthaus Brünig Kulm for you. The one problem is that it’s a pain to get to. But it’s worth it.

Swiss food is very good especially the baked goods. They have a very large cuisine because of all the different languages and cultures. Also it is a big tourist country so they need to show off their food. My favorite of the three major cuisines was Italian but they are all good. Plus they have a lot of steak, which I really like.

Happy birthday to me

3 thoughts on “Swiss Food Reviews

  • Love this, Rainier! Such a great write up and pictures. I feel like I was tasting everything you wrote about myself. Also, my friend Lindsey calls sprinkles “clown poop” which makes me laugh. So excited to see you soon and try new foods together! I love you!

  • Excellent description of the Swiss cuisine , good pictures!!!!!! said Hi to your wonderful mom,

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