Run for the border

As we were packing up to leave our hotel in Seattle, it occurred to me that I might need a passport for the upcoming adventure. A quick trip down to the Seattle passport office reassured me that it would only take 4 hours or so to obtain said document. Just the right amount of time for a nice stroll around Pike Place Market!

Next, a drive to the Canadian border, where, after some tense moments answering questions from a tough border control officer about our lack of permanent residence or obvious source of gainful employment, we passed through with flying colors!

Then it was on to the Beautiful British Columbia ferry terminal, where we boarded a ferry for Victoria.

You can see the obvious jubilation here. We made it! Our exile begins!

16 thoughts on “Run for the border

    • This area seems really beautiful, and pretty kid-friendly. Highly recommended if the boys haven’t been up here: Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, lots of boats!

  • You haven’t forgotten Shefler in CA, have you? 🙂 The fish picture is perfect!

    • Shefler was left in CA on purpose to attend beloved sleepaway camp. He joins us in NY. Many similar pictures of Rowena crying about this or that.

  • OMG – the fish picture. Love it! Safe travels Anna! And if you find yourself in the Hershey Park PA area at the end of your journey, let me know! Or DC – we are leaving the DC area in July after living here for 15 years but we are renting out our house, and still have tons of friends here, so would be happy to come into town to see you.

  • OMG – the fish picture. Love it! Safe travels Anna! And if you find yourself in the Hershey Park PA area at the end of your journey, let me know! Or DC – we are leaving the DC area in July after living here for 15 years but we are renting out our house, and still have tons of friends here, so would be happy to come into town to see you.

    • Clearly more Rowena crying pictures are needed. Will do. DC is on the short list for eventual home destinations, so maybe we will pass in the night.

  • Wait, you left for an around-the-world adventure without your passport?!? Glad you managed to procure one. I’m guessing it will come in handy. 🙂

    • Super lame, huh? Had to use it the day before we left to get a power-of-attorney notarized (so that we can get our house sale done in absentia), and it never made it back in the bag. Crazy day, that last day, as you might imagine. Oof.

  • Most amazed it took only 4 hours to get a passport. No pics of your old house, Jeremy? I miss living there. 🙂

  • Interesting to see a boat trailer on the ferry. I wonder if they were coming from or going to a regatta.

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