Our visit to a Maasai village

The following post was written by Libbey as part of her Kindergarten writing curriculum (spelling was corrected by her teacher):

Yesterday I visited the Maasai. The Maasais killed a goat. It was cool. The Maasais sleep on cow skin. It was really dark in their room. They shell beans by whacking a stick on the beans. We got stuck in the mud then a truck got stuck in the mud so we had to walk.

That pretty much says it all. Here are some pictures.

The fun began when we got stuck in a muddy part of the road to the village. Jeremy got out and helped get us free, but a few hundred yards later we were trapped behind a giant flatbed that had met a similar fate, so we walked the rest of the way, which was really nice.
En route we were passed by a hog-tied white goat carried by some motorbike riders. Upon arrival to the village, the goat was promptly slaughtered in the traditional manner and set to roast over a fire.
Great idea for staking out a thinner cut to cook quickly…
Ribs! Yummy.
Everybody gets a spear-throwing lesson.
A village dance group entertained us while we were waiting for the goat to cook.
Libbey tried her hand at goat-herding and proved surprisingly adept.
Aforementioned beans before…
…and after being whacked by a stick.
It’s hard to outdo the locals around here as far as colorful dress goes, but Libbey and Rowena managed it. Definitely a case of them finding us as interesting as we found them. Smiles and giggles all around.

7 thoughts on “Our visit to a Maasai village

  • I would have treasured this experience – but even at second hand it is delightful to think about. Li

  • How are you finding these wonderful experiences? Are you with a group tour here? I see some familiar faces and one or two that I don’t recognize?

    • No group right now. My Uncle Mark was along with us in Cyprus, Dubai, and Tanzania, and you might have seen some guides and/or fellow hostel residents. All experiences are wonderful and enjoyed by most. The parenting/schooling part of the escapade is challenging as usual, at home or abroad 🙂

  • Yubba-Cho! You write so beautifully. Great work. I am super duper proud of you! Love the goat herding picture, too! XOXO

    • I was hoping to bring home a craft market Maasai spear as a souvenir, but I never figured out how to ship or travel with the tips. Even the tourist ones were incredibly sharp! Something to regret. But we got a shield.

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