Living life

One thing I have been thinking a lot about is trying to live somewhat regular lives as opposed to just being in vacation mode while travelling. This means finding time for work, exercise, play that does not involve sightseeing, and housekeeping. I don’t know about you, but when we are on vacation, healthy eating is pretty much thrown to the wind and the kids are on a steady diet of kids’ meals at restaurants interspersed with local treats. Another vacation habit of mine, one I suspect fewer of you share, is that I DO NOT DO LAUNDRY. Not ever. Every child (and I) has exactly the correct number of underwear, t-shirts, and socks to get through the entire trip without washing. I absolutely refuse.

Well, we can’t live like that for 2 years, and I’m welcoming the challenge of living life on the road. Vancouver is a beautiful city full of wonderful sights and tastes, but I really got down to some vegetative stuff this weekend. Check out this awesome laundromat I found:

I had plenty of time to practice guitar during the dryer cycle.

We went to church!

I went for a run along the water one morning, and one afternoon I did some strength training at a playground while the kids just played.

Then we played a good ol’ game of family soccer, not involving any sort of Vancouver-specific location or theme. This living life stuff will be more important when we are staying in a single place for longer than a couple of nights, but I’m glad to get a head start and get in the habit.

One thought on “Living life

  • Good strategy! I love to travel and am I super go go and wear everyone out. Need to remember it’s a marathon not sprint. Even for me now for one month ha 🙂

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