Jasper, Banff, & the Canadian Rockies

Let me start by saying that if you haven’t yet, in your life, done the drive from Jasper to Banff in the Canadian Rockies, I recommend that you drop whatever you’re doing right now, cancel those tickets to Tahiti or wherever you’re going next vacation and get on it. It’s really that beautiful. As usual, my poor iPhone photography skills do not do it justice, at least not to support my above recommendation, but here are some snippets from our 4 days in the area.

Nice hike to the summit of Whistlers (not to be confused with Whistler singular) above Jasper, partially aided by the Skytram.
Canada was not the place I was expecting to see my first quicksand, but here you go, right outside Jasper next to Lake Annette. Kids all knew exactly how to handle things thanks to repeated viewings of the Indiana Jones trilogy.
Western Canada appears to have way more waterfalls than similar areas in the US. Rowena is pleased about this phenomenon. Here she is at Athabasca Falls southeast of Jasper.
Super cool warren of trails below the falls.
Lord Nelson attempting to reclaim Canada for the mother country, starting with the Athabasca Glacier here.
Extra credit to you if you can find our canoe in this picture. Lovely peaceful morning on Lake Minnewanka near Banff.
There we are!
Lake Louise. There’s a really nice hotel right on the lake here for those of you SF Bay area types who are looking for ways to get rid of all that VC money.
Did I mention there are lots of nice waterfalls? Sadly, Rowena couldn’t manage to stay awake long enough on our hike up Johnston Canyon to see this one.

That’s enough for now. We’re currently on a 12-hour drive through Saskatchewan and Rowena is in similar trim; wouldn’t want to put you guys to sleep, too. This blog is for you, so let me know what you like and what you want more of.

11 thoughts on “Jasper, Banff, & the Canadian Rockies

  • This is wonderful! I love living vicariously through your travels. Stay safe and have fun!

  • Love your happy beautiful photos! Great shots!

    We went a couple of years ago and I was shocked at the staggering beauty and easy accessibility. Agree with your assessment! Glad you’re off to great start!

    • Yes, Canada is very user-friendly in ways that I don’t find the US to be always. And everything is so comparatively clean and modern. Extremely comfortable for a family adventure. I suspect partially due to the sparser population? And higher taxes, too, I guess.

    • Well…getting there. And thanks again for the awesome pens! I am using this a lot this week while I observe “vocal rest” and am not speaking at all to heal a vocal cord injury. Lots of writing!

  • Love this post! I definitely want to do this trip. The picture of Rowena sleeping on your back next to that epic waterfall is such a keeper!

    • I can’t remember who fastened the head sling on the Ergo, but her poor little face was right under the strap. She sadly did not stay asleep very long as a result.

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