an Uneventful Transatlantic Crossing

Since we’re homeschooling the kids (actually the vogue term for what we’re doing is ‘worldschooling’), we’re having them choose books to read on each leg of the journey that are appropriate to the location. As I considered what to offer them for our week crossing the Atlantic Ocean, I, for obvious reasons, quickly discarded the […]

Silver Bay

When you are road tripping the entire west-to-east breadth of Canada, there are some bits (just like in the US) that are a little monotonous scenery-wise. Not to say that those bits are not good to see or incredibly important from the standpoint of supporting our existence in the style to which we are accustomed, […]

Jasper, Banff, & the Canadian Rockies

Let me start by saying that if you haven’t yet, in your life, done the drive from Jasper to Banff in the Canadian Rockies, I recommend that you drop whatever you’re doing right now, cancel those tickets to Tahiti or wherever you’re going next vacation and get on it. It’s really that beautiful. As usual, […]