Rainiers Food Reviews Canadian Fast Food


Ignore the Jersey

So just left Canada 🙁  and I love it especially the food this article is about how much better Candian fast food chains are than American fast food chains. Just kidding(TRUE), but it is about how delicious canadian fast food chains are. And they are delicious very delicious. Boston Pizza, A&W, White Spot and La Belle Province.

First with a rating of 51/2 chickens… BOSTON PIZZA. Boston Pizza of course is a pizza restaurant,  but not just any pizza restaurant it is my favorite pizza restaurant, I’m sure that will change in New York but for now it is Boston Pizza. The crust is amazing it is sweet but not too sweet it is crispy but not too crispy. Next a weird thing that I think is a ripoff unicorn lemonade. The menu showed a very bright lemonade of pink purple and yellow. They clearly couldn’t afford the food coloring for every glass that they serve even though they charge an extra $1.29.

But overall the food is very good and the kids menu comes with free dessert so special treat for me. Oh, one last thing my parents say it is unhealthy they can say what they want it is delicious. 

Next A&W with 41/2 chickens. I know what you are thinking right now wait that’s in america and yes you are right, but it is much more common in Canada and of course, a lot better. But it truly wasn’t good enough to get 5 or more chickens the food ideas were good, but they weren’t executed as well as they could have been but the food was decent and the root beer was of course really good because A&W is a fountain root beer. Also  what I didn’t mention is I ordered a breakfast sandwich at 7:00 pm so it’s hard to judge.

Then White Spot with a perfect 6 chickens and I’m saying that with not even the full experience. When I had it it was on a ferry that takes you from Vancouver to Victoria (which is on Vancouver Island) I had been on the ferry before and actually recalled for the food to not be very good but this time it was amazing. My whole family was shocked how good ferry food could be so good. On the way to Victoria I had chicken noodle soup, it did not lack chicken or any other ingredient. On the way back I had beef barley stew it was amazing there were lots of carrots (which I love) accompanied with tons of beef which in my opinion is key.

I organized this

Lastly La Belle Province with 5 Chickens. So I didn’t get what they are well known for I got spaghetti with meat sauce which was good but only worth 41/2 chickens but didn’t order the right thing so I spared them.

So Canadian fast food is good and better than American fast food. And this isn’t it for me since we just left Canada. In fact I will do one for New York soon and for other countries I might be able to get more than 2 articles in.

5 thoughts on “Rainiers Food Reviews Canadian Fast Food

  • You’re a natural Rainier. Can’t wait to hear about New York bagels, egg creams and halal truck meat sandwiches.

  • Keep ‘em coming! Love 💕 these reviews. Missed you all at the soccer games (Earthquakes vs Galaxy). Watch some Zlatan Ivrahimovic highlights on Youtube. English fast food is much worse than Canadian so watch out. Best try the local fish and chips rather than chains!

  • Love this Bun! Sorry about the lemonade but your commentary makes up for it. When you are in England be sure to try out Nando’s for chicken. Yummy! Love you!

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