Rainier’s Food Reviews

Canadian Foods


My good friend from school, Oliver Reid gifted me some Canadian money to spend on the foods and delights you can only find in Canada. He suggested Tim Hortons, poutine, and  ketchup chips, and you’d best believe that we are going to try all three of them.

First let me rate my favorite with a rating of 6 Chickens… KETCHUP CHIPS. So imagine barbecue chips but then take off a bit of the barbecue and replace it with a ton of vinegary  ketchup. The brand I got them as was Old Dutch search it up on normal Amazon and ketchup chips will be yours to devour in 1 second after the first bite.

Next the well known Tim Hortons I would give them a 5 and a half chickens rating they are a fast breakfast/brunch chain. Kids know them for the donuts and adults know them for the coffee.  They have more stuff though like breakfast sandwiches, milk shakes, croissants, cinnamon rolls, and omelettes. The reason I took half a star away is it doesn’t have the full selection of loved doughnuts the one that I was most surprised by is that they didn’t have chocolate sprinkle doughnuts which are very popular they also don’t  have chocolate and other flavored dips with glaze. BUT THE DOUGHNUTS ARE DELICIOUS. Did you know that Tim Horton was a hockey player and was the founder of the restaurant? He is now dead.

If you want to read about poutine, read the next article. According to Oliver’s mom, it is only good east of Kingston, Ontario.


7 thoughts on “Rainier’s Food Reviews

  • I am impressed that the kids are adventurous eaters and interested in trying new foods. I can’t wait to see more food posts as you guys travel. I also love hearing about the trip from the point of view of various family members.

    • Working on more of all of that. Shefler is still missing but I am hoping will be an important voice. Boston Pizza coming soon…

    • Uh, oh. Four nights in Toronto coming up at a hotel with really bad free breakfast and Tim Horton’s next door.

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